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Trusted Equipment Rental Leader in South Florida

Whether you’re a homeowner working on a DIY project or the owner of a professional contracting company, Coastal Rentals offers equipment rentals in South Florida. As a locally-owned and operated business, we can ensure you’re receiving the best equipment at an affordable price. Many of our customers come to us because they want to expand their services without the extra overhead of purchasing a new piece of machinery to complete specific projects. We also have customers come in that are working on remodeling or transforming their homes and don’t want to spend money on equipment for a one-off project. Whatever your reason, our team can assist you. We offer a wide selection of rental tools and equipment.


Why More Homeowners & Contractors Choose Us

Many professional contractors, warehouse managers, and homeowners rely on our team to help improve or maintain their project’s timeline while also helping to alleviate some of the costs. As a local and trusted team, you can always count on us to deliver exceptional value for your project or company. Discover for yourself why so many home and business owners choose us for their equipment rentals:


Our team has years of experience working in the field with the same machinery we rent. Unlike other rental companies, we’ll ensure you have the right tools and equipment to handle any job.


Having the equipment at your disposal is one thing, understanding how it works is entirely another. We’ll show you how to maximize the value of your rental equipment with thorough instructions from our team.


Whether you’re a professional in the industry or a homeowner, we’ll treat you with the same respect when renting from us. We’re prepared to answer any questions you may have about our selection, how to operate the equipment, and choosing the right one for your project.


We have flexible and varied rental periods, so you’ll only have to pay for the equipment for the time you need. Our rental services will ensure you save time and money on your next project compared to purchasing new equipment.

Trusted Professionals for All Your Rental Needs

Coastal Rentals is the local, trusted commercial equipment rental company serving South Florida and the surrounding communities. Our friendly and experienced team has access to high-quality products so business owners can expand their services without adding to their business’s operational costs. Homeowners choose us because we can offer instructions on how to operate the machinery for easy use. We can help you save time and money with our rentals.

Browse Our Expansive Inventory